RE agent

RE agent 

Idaho commercial transaction specialist 

Target people who will have a Medicaid lien, like marketing to my mom. Target marketing. 

Market to areas , generally, to rural areas, like sponsorship to CV High in memory of my dad. 

It's a win for everyone, the community gets the money, and I actually know what I am doing. Team up with a local attorney and get the referral business. Call on Jessup first. Then David Judd , then my farmer buddies. Weippe, Granville. Lewiston. Delta Chi. 

Ala cart commison with a showing agent.  Build a referral network. Pay them flat rate. Fuck NAR. Get a lawyer. 

Target wilka and potlatch properties to out of state HNW real estate dudes like execs or ag or financial real estate,medical sales (use Johnny). Guerrilla marketing. Keep track of who you refer. 

Get Starlink internet and burner chrome. 

Farm out to Stein what I can't showings, take pics, drones, etc. 

Find a large cre broker that doesn't operate in Boise. Create the market. 

Become a broker as well. 


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