
Sell the speed of title. Have a 2 day close ? Or guarantee a turn around time ? Have your title policy to 48 hours or less. Sell a minimal amount of information for a minimal fee. Place order , get preliminary within x hours. Sell the why. What does this information protect you from. Don't waste your time, due your diligence. It's a x investment for y of a price. Really target out of Towner's, and Investors. It's insurance, protect yourself with a policy. "that cause you've never had to deal with recourse (taking a property back, or stuck with a 🍋). 

Blockchain to monopolize. Use a lobbyist yo change law to permit price breaks amongst related party transactions. Like a break on the policy since she transaction. Like the buy seller lender, and subsequent transactions... Only works if you can monopolize a state , then link up the west coast. The goal is to share information faster, provide insurance, and do it all for closing , being the travel guide. Getting everyone to the table at once, closing the transaction. Give assurance, off to cancel before deadlines based on progress, cause when they have a title policy from us, everyone has the same information (sell what a title policy provides and the peace of mind. Can we provide any zoning information, caus emksr real estate people are not versed on zoning. 

Target sfr investors in Boise for resi escrow services. 

Use Zillow and listing sites to prospect for active brokers with listings, offer free preliminary title? . 

In a 2019 report, the consulting firm Cerulli Associates projected that, over the next quarter century, roughly 45 million U.S. households will collectively bequeath $68.4 trillion to their heirs. help facilitate wealth transfer. 

Do a SFR forum. Have Mike and Jared talk about Lima One. Have Natalie talk property management. Have a networking event. 

Do a search by who has a home owners exemption? If no exemption, then we know they are investors. If you could get a liat of all the homeowners in Boise ,then sort by exemption, see how many duplicates you get...you could figure out all the players. 

Offer zoning services for a few. Link with Amanda and Amy at Holley Troxel. Offer to help get property re-zoned. Anything zoned resi can have future development. Work with the attorney to file zoning request. We provide all the leg work, they just file motion on behalf (create llc) . Make them close through us? Do you have to own a property to get it rezoned ? 

Prospect lawyers. Real estate lawyers can drive closing. Give people codes , so we can track how they choose Alliance. Reward those codes. Price breaks? Most referrals get a prize ? 

Facilitate trades without brokers.


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